
Showing posts from December, 2018

Final Assignment: Choose Your Own Storytelling Method

Once students finish creating a video recording on their spoken word piece we are working on creating a story using any storytelling method.  Possible storytelling methods include: 1) short story 2) epic poem 3) song ballad 4) board game 5) video game plan 6) interior design 7) architecture 8) film script 9) play script To help with some of the more unorthodox approaches, we will be discussing the concept of environmental storytelling.  Here are some links about it: Environmental Storytelling in Video Games

Book Order Form and 1st Spoken Word Deadline

Today students were given an order form for our book.  Orders are due by Wednesday, Dec 19. We continue to work on Spoken Word.  A hard copy of the spoken word piece is due by the start of Wednesday, Dec 12.